Thursday, April 19, 2012

Norly Dizon - Our Emcee

2nd stop - meet up with Norly Dizon (The SINGING host) 

It was our first time to meet with Norly yesterday, and I can truly say that he is really professional and very good in explaining all the details we need to do and practice before the big day.

He taught us how to cut the cake, the do’s and don’ts during the couples dance and a lot more.

Aside from being a good emcee, he also takes care of doing such things that a wedding coordinator does on a wedding party. Since he gave us one female receptionist as a freebie, there's no need for us to get a wedding coordinator at the reception. 

He gave us our things to do, and things to accomplish before the big day. He even promised Mark and I that all we need not to do at the wedding party is to enjoy.

My pre-wedding rating for Norly? 5 stars as well!

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