Friday, June 10, 2011

Blurting out the negative thoughts

Wedding day is fast approaching, -- and truly, Mark and I are so excited but on the other hand, both of us are also nervous. (Or should I say, only ME) – I’m the only one who is so freaking worried all throughout the engagement process.
While Mark and I both wanted to have a perfect and intimate wedding, we are also having a hard time trying to figure out where to start first. At the back of our minds, we are a bit anxious about the upshot of the plans we are doing right now. Some would say that a wedding planner can help ease these thoughts, but there is no way we are going to hire a wedding planner. Simply because, that is an extra cost on our wedding budget. Thank you to my dear friend Rodel C., for offering your free services! This might be a big step on your career. LOL. (It's so nice to have true friends who are willing to help out on our wedding day without shedding too much of our wedding budget.) ♥
To ease the negativity that I am having right, now might as well blurt it out. :D
·         I can’t get enough thinking about our wedding, hoping everything would turn our perfectly.
·         I am doubting every suppliers – thinking that they would run away and don’t show up on our wedding day
·         Thinking: what if the bridal car doesn’t show up on time? As well as with the HMUA?
·         What if it RAINS on our wedding day!
·         What if my gown doesn’t fit me!?
·         What if the bridal store we are coordinating with got broke and they have to close? How about our down-payments?
·         What if the plans we are trying to envision do not turn out so well?
Frankly, there are so many off-putting thoughts I have in mind, which make me feel pretty anxious all throughout the wedding stage. But still, I am so excited about our wedding and can’t stop thinking about it.
Nothing is absolutely wrong, perhaps this is what most brides feel before they get married. Wedding jitters, I suppose.

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